Unlock the Potential of ArtificiaI Intelligence for Well-being

4 workshop online 

Unlock the Potential of ArtificiaI Intelligence for Well-being

L'invito è rivolto a tutto il personale di Unifi e agli studenti.
I posti disponibili sono solo 20 e saranno suddivisi tra le Università di Murcia, Birmingham e Semmelweiss.
A seguire una breve sintesi e il link a google form per iscriversi.
"Unlock the Potential of ArtificiaI Intelligence for Well-being", che consiste in 4 workshop che si terranno online sul tema Artificial Intelligence for Well-being.
Four interactive workshops exploring fundamental concepts of Artificial Intelligence (AI), AI ethics, and well-being. Through a structured approach, you will develop key inner skills such as concentration, mindfulness, creativity, active listening, and communication. We will discuss the challenges of implementing AI for well-being and explore practical solutions.
  • 25 February - Artificial Intelligence, Well-being and AI Ethics
  • 4 March - Ethics of Well-being, AI Ethics for Well-being, Implementation challenges and inner skills
  • 11 or 12 March - AI:creativity, hyper-personalization, and the evolution of digital platforms.
  • 18 March - AI and Digital Well-being, AI and Creative Industries, Q&A, and insights from the workshops


13 Febbraio 2025



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